With a host of new TLDs being launched our aim has been to ensure that the pricing management is as simple as possible. Promos are a critical aspect of pricing and have been on our mind, so we’ve now made a few changes on the Domain Pricing Overview page that has not only simplified the management of on-going promotions but also made it easier for registrars to start new promos. You can now view and manage all Promos directly from the Domains Pricing Page with fewer clicks:
Along with this, we’ve reworked on the Promo table and also added in some nifty features.
Below are a few screenshots to take you through the new features:
Indicators to view promotions at hand and what action type the promotion is available on
Information on if you have opted in or out of a promotion
‘My TLDs’ tab to list down the TLDs that you are a registrar for
New Promo Table
So there you have it. We will keep adding new features to enhance your user experience on our system. If you’d like to suggest changes to our interface, we’re all ears. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].